15 Signs & Indicators of Pest Infestations

Pest infestation occurs when pests such as termites, rodents, cockroaches, ants or other animals grow and thrive in an unwanted place. There are various levels of severity, starting with small infestation where the condition is still manageable or temporary, all the way to serious infestations that put the buildings, people, and pets living in the area at risk (infrastructure, health, etc.)

The sooner these infestations are spotted, the easier it is to manage and get rid of these unwanted pests before they grow out of control.

Here are the 15 signs of pest infestations to watch out for:

  1. Droppings
  2. Gnaw marks
  3. Grease marks
  4. Unusual odors
  5. Nests
  6. Damage to furniture and structures
  7. Holes and tunnels
  8. Strange noises
  9. Discarded wings or shells
  10. Footprints or tracks
  11. Bite marks or skin irritation
  12. Increased pest sightings
  13. Dead insects
  14. Damage to food packaging
  15. Pet agitation

1. Droppings

The most common indicator for infestation is the presence of droppings on various place in homes and buildings. Rodents, cockroaches, and other pests leave behind droppings which can vary in size and shape. These droppings are generally dark brown in color, resembling either circular or coffee ground shapes.

  • Pests: Rodents, cockroaches, small insects.
  • Details: Can indicate the type of pest and severity of infestation.

2. Gnaw Marks

Rodents such as mice and rats gnaw on various materials such as wood, wires, and food packaging. Fresher gnaw marks are lighter in color and become darker over time.

  • Pests: Rats, mice.
  • Details: Once spotted, look for chew marks on food containers, furniture, electrical wiring, and clothes.

3. Grease Marks

All rodents usually leave greasy trails along the path where they frequently travel. This can be on floors, walls, or baseboards. These marks can build up overtime which could help identify their pathways.

  • Pests: Rodents.
  • Details: Check areas and look for grease patterns to help identify their nests.

4. Unusual Odors

Certain pests emit a distinct smell. For instance, rodents often have musky odor while cockroach infestations can produce a musty, oily smell. If you detect a strange and persistent odors from certain areas, especially hidings, it could be a sign of pest infesation.

  • Pests: Rodents, cockroaches, bed bugs.
  • Details: Look for musty or foul smells from hidden areas like attics, cupboards or basements.

5. Nests

Rodents, termites, and some insects build nests using materials like shredded paper, fabric, woods, paper, and other soft materials as their habitat and places to hide. These nests are usually hidden and can be found at hard-to-reach places like inside walls, attics, or basements.

  • Pests: Mice, rats, wasps, bees, termites.
  • Details: Check behind walls, appliances, storage boxes, attics, and other hidden places for nests or signs of nest materials in the building.

6. Damage to Furniture and Structures

Pest infestations often lead to multiple damages to furniture and building structures, particularly wood-damaging pests like termites, rodents, and ants. They often leave behind holes, sawdust-like materials, or damaged wood.

  • Pests: Termites, carpenter ants, rodents
  • Details: Inspect wooden structures, hollow sounds, or sawdust.

7. Holes and Tunnels

Termites, ants and some insects burrow into wood, walls, and create small holes and tunnels. These are usually go unnoticed until they get large enough.

  • Pests: Termites, ants, some beetles.
  • Details: Look for small pinholes and wood that sounds hollow when tapped.

8. Strange Noises

Certain pests like rodents, termites, and small insects make scratching, scurrying, or gnawing noises, especially at night. These noises can come from inside walls, ceilings, or under floors.

  • Pests: Rodents, termites, bats, insects.
  • Details: Look for unusual sounds coming from hidden areas, especially at night.

9. Discarded Wings or Shells

Insects like termites and ants shed their wings as they mature. Additionally, you might find exoskeletons from insects like cockroaches, which shed their outer shells.

  • Pests: Termites, ants, cockroaches.
  • Details: Inspect windowsills and doorways for discarded wings or shell casings.

10. Footprints or Tracks

In dusty areas, like basements or attics, you may find small tracks or footprints of pests like rodents. Rats and mice also leave tail drag marks along the ground.

  • Pests: Rodents, insects.
  • Details: Check for footprints or drag marks in undisturbed areas.

11. Bite Marks or Skin Irritation

If you notice small bite marks on your skin or experience itching when waking up in the morning, it may be due to pests like bed bugs or fleas. These bites often occur in clusters and could be seen from time to time with no other health issues.

  • Pests: Bed bugs, fleas.
  • Details: Check bedding, mattresses, and pets for signs of pests.

12. Increased Pest Sightings

Seeing pests in unusual places or during daylight hours is a strong indication of an infestation. Pests like cockroaches and rodents are usually nocturnal, so daytime sightings often mean there is a significant issue.

  • Pests: Cockroaches, rodents.
  • Details: Frequent sightings can indicate an advanced infestation.

13. Dead Insects

Finding dead insects, especially around windows, is a sign that there may be a larger infestation hidden somewhere in the house. Regular discovery of dead insects in a specific area could indicate nesting nearby.

  • Pests: Various insects.
  • Details: Check window sills, basements, and storage areas for dead bugs.

14. Damage to Food Packaging

Rodents and insects will often gnaw through packaging to reach food. Look for torn or chewed packaging and spilled food in cabinets or pantries.

  • Pests: Rodents, cockroaches.
  • Details: Examine food storage areas for signs of chewed packaging.

15. Pet Agitation

If pets, such as cats or dogs, seem unusually focused on certain areas of your home, they may be detecting pests. Pets may scratch at walls, bark at unseen objects, or act unusually in places with infestations.

  • Pests: Rodents, insects.
  • Details: Watch your pet’s behavior in rooms or near potential pest entry points.

Hire Us For Pest Treatments

If you start noticing at least one indicator mentioned above, then it’s best to call professionals like us to help carry out with pest inspection and treatments if infestations are found. With transparent, affordable pricing and no hidden fees, you’ll know exactly what you’re paying for. We also provide ongoing support to prevent future infestations, so you can enjoy long-term protection and peace of mind. Whether it’s a minor pest issue or a large-scale infestation, we’re here to help keep your property pest-free.